Green – refers to self-archiving generally of the pre or post-print in repositories
Gold – refers to articles in fully accessible open access journals
Hybrid – some times called Paid Open Access, refers to subscription journals with open access to individual articles usually when a fee is paid to the publisher or journal by the author, the author's organization, or the research funder.
Please consult the publisher's copyright policy so that you can comply with the open access requirements of the agencies funding your research.
If you have any questions, need more information or want to deposit publications in the repository, contact the campus library or contact us at
Researchers participating in projects funded by the European Commission in its Horizon 2020 Program and at national level the Law of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation must make open a digital version of their articles accepted for publication in journals, in an institutional repository, such as Repositori Obert UdL. In the case of H2020 the deadline is 6 months from publication and 12 months in the social sciences. Publishing an article in an open access journal does not exempt its deposit in Repositori Obert UdL.
1. Before publishing
2. Once published
To deposit an article in the Repositori Obert de la UdL you must do so via GREC:
Which version of the article should you deposit?
Include in the scientific-technical monitoring reports the reference of the published articles with the indication of the permanent URL of the article in the repository. Example URL:
3. Deadline
The deadline is 6 months from publication or 12 months in the case of the social sciences.
Image created by Deakin University Library. CC BY. Download PDF version
1. Submitted manuscript (or pre-print)
The first version sent to the publisher for review; not refereed.
2. Accepted manuscript (or post-print)
The author's final version, responding to peer reviewer comments, but before the publisher's final copyediting and formatting.
Deposit this for possible Green OA
Many publishers allow the accepted manuscript to be Green OA in Respositori Obert UdL. Deposit in Word or PDF format (without comments or track changes).
1. In-press version
An early publisher version that may appear on the publisher's website before the final version. Typically includes the publisher's copyediting, fonts and formatting, but without final pagination.
2. Published version (or publisher's PDF)
The final version available on the publisher's website. Also called the version of record (VoR).
Deposit this for possible Gold OA
If the research was published Gold OA with Creative Commons Licences, publishers allow to deposit the published version in Repositori Obert UdL.